Our first common project. "DIFFERENT ROOTS, SAME LANGUAGE" is directed to students and teachers from both Polish and Spanish school and local communities in Ostrów Wielkopolski and Barakaldo.

The purpose of the project is to get to know the partner school and their customs, traditions and local peculiarities. We aim to integrate all these particularities into an European viewpoint, finding our common roots and identity.

Our project will study and show how we can share the same style and viewpoint, despite our local traditions and beyond our differences.During the project the literary, artistic competition and innovative classes are held. Poland and Spain have differences, and it's reflected in the artistic expressions of literature, painting, music, myths, traditions, history and sports. Through such expressions, our students will discover, learn, share and respect the partner's history and social context, but they will also discover the common rich European heritage.

We share the same language, namely, the same wish to become more humane, to get a better situation through words, which become tools to build a better Europe, a better world. As Karl Popper, the great European philosopher said, we believe strongly that "words do replace swords".

We would like to encourage our students who take part in this project to broaden their knowledge of other languages and cultures and show them how young people from different European countries promote and preserve their cultural features. Moreover, while visiting partners’ schools the teachers will exchange their experience and establish links of friendship with teachers of partner country.

During the project we will organize plays, exhibitions and happenings and we will show them to other schools, local communities and media.

1 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

Esto sí es una buena actividad para los alumnos del colegio! Sé el trabajo previo que lleva, y por ello felicito a los profesores que han trabajado tanto y han estado y están disponibles para que nuestros chavales tengan esta oportunidad de vivir algo semejante. ¡Gracias!

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